Make Your Baking Healthier and Easier

Apr 22, 2018 0 comments
Make Your Baking Healthier and Easier

Often, while trying to pamper our loved ones with delicious homemade goodies, we forget about such trifles as tin foil and baking paper, because we think that their part in the preparation process is completely insignificant.

However, low-quality materials or their improper use can negate all your hours of cooking efforts, and your dish will stick, burn, come out dry, or, God forbid, collapse! All professional bakers and experienced housewives acknowledge the importance of baking paper, which is a parchment paper, used to cover baking trays and dishes so that food will not stick, and as a result, saving long and tedious time spent dishwashing.

Without this useful cooking accessory, the process of creating confectionery and bakery masterpieces cannot be considered complete. However, sometimes baking paper is not very suitable for oven roasting and baking. In cases when some of the ingredients lose a lot of fluids in the oven, the paper becomes soaked and falls apart. In such cases, baking paper is inferior to its competitor: aluminum foil.
Disposable bakeware made from aluminum foil is almost perfect for roasting and baking: it is cheap, light, flexible, and allows a more uniform heating and cooking of the dishes. Nevertheless, aluminum foil also has a health-related downside, which is the need to oil it before placing the food on it.

The only way to avoid oiling your baking trays is to line them with baking paper. The need to put these two together was obvious, and therefore we invented the Ready-Bake Pan, which is our 2-in-1 product that uniquely combines disposable aluminum baking pans with pre-fitted parchment paper. The paper is attached to the pan and covers its sides as well, for quick and easy baking and roasting. Forget the need to cut the parchment paper to fit it into your bakeware, because Ready-Bake Pans come in a variety of shapes and sizes, suitable for baking of potatoes, fish, cakes, cookies and many other pastries.

And you will definitely reduce the amount of oil you use in your cooking, because you will never have to oil another baking dish again.

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